Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
S. No.
Question and Clarification
Please provide the schedule of the RFP timelines?
What is Contract Signing date?
Signing of Contract would be done after Award of Contract . Date would be informed as per progression of the terms of RFP, likely to be signed in early May 2016
There is no mention of the word transition in the entire document.
Failure on the part of the incumbent service provider has not been addressed at all in the RFP.
Detailed information is solicited as far as transition is concerned to ensure that a process is defined to ensure accountability.
Below is a sample of questions that need clarification:
i) When will the incumbent service provider end accepting applications?
ii) When will the contact centre of the incumbent service provider discontinue its operations?
iii) Will the applications that were processed by incumbent be handled?
iv) How will the handover of the unprocessed applications, courier labels, passports, etc. be implemented?
v) Will the new service provider charge their service fee for handling applications handed over by incumbent service provider?
Due to poor transition, there are disastrous consequences and can cause major inconvenience to the all stakeholders in the Project including applicants.
The Service Providers have been performing this service with Indian Missions and are aware of the actual changeover system. Basically, the outgoing and incoming Service Providers should coordinate with the Mission to achieve a smooth takeover without glitches. Any problems faced should be discussed with the Mission and sorted out. The residual applications with documents and postage stickers and the transfer of money to Govt accounts should be clearly tabulated and handed over to Mission. The Service Fee for the residual applications should also be accounted for and procedures for adjustments should be coordinated with the Mission. The Bank Guarantees will not be returned by the Mission to the outgoing Service Provider till all the matters have been clearly sorted out and only after clearance by Ministry. The outgoing Service Provider should strive to keep the unprocessed/unattended applications to the barest minimum. The Outgoing Service Provider should complete all the pending work pertaining to digitisation/indexation of documents.
29th / 30th June, 2016
30th June 2016
The residual applications should be cleared by the Service Provider. Any further balance will be handled by the Mission.
As explained under Transition.
The new Service Provider will be responsible for the applications received from
the date of new Contract. However, this can be sorted out in coordination
with the Mission and the outgoing Service Provider.
The coordination of the incoming and outgoing Service Providers with the Mission is necessary for smooth transition. Any negligence or uncooperative attitude will be viewed seriously and result in penalties.
Can we have the month-wise & VAC-wise break-up of visa/passport/consular applications count for each year of the last 3 years?
Could you please provide the list of consular services apart from visa and passport services?
See Annexure A
List of consular services apart from passport and visa inter alia include PCC, Driving license certification, unabridged birth certificate, and other Misc. Services
Kindly provide the month wise breakup of Walk-in, Postal and Third party applications for the respective categories; this data will directly impact the staffing and sizing budgetary exercise.
Data is attached. It is pertinent to note that the turnaround period as indicated under Annexure E should be strictly adhered to.
Kindly provide the details on number of calls and emails received from the applicants at the current service centres.
RFP states the call centre time to be 9 AM to 7 PM on all working days. We request the Embassy to consider a time period of 9 AM to 6 PM to coincide with the IVAC working hours and also taking into account any possible staff security issues arising out the time taken by staff to reach home in the night.
Appx. 50 e-mail per day and during peak this increase to 100 per day, as per the information provided by the current service provider
The timings can be changed to 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
For Johannesburg: 7(seven) persons to handle Visa, Passport, Misc Consular Services, Biometrics, OCI Card etc.
For Durban: 6-7 persons to handle Visa, Passport, Misc Consular Services, Biometrics, OCI Card etc.
For Cape Town: 4-5 persons to handle Visa, Passport, Misc Consular Services, Biometrics, OCI Card etc.
Could the Mission please explain as to how they have arrived at the Staff numbers above? Also, what are staffing numbers of the current service provider?
The assessment is based on experience of existing outsourcing company.
The sizing of the IVAC seems double the actual requirements. Could you please provide additional details in terms of expected waiting area, back office area, submission counters etc.?
The assessment is based on experience of existing outsourcing company.
The VAS section does not cover the rates for the SMS service. All the present RFP’s published by the Indian Missions worldwide have explicitly described SMS rates under VAS section.
In addition service provider has to mandatorily
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receipt of documents in the IVAC from Mission/Post and iv. dispatch of documents by Courier/Post). In regard to applications received in person in the IVAC, only ii, iii and iv may be required. All these information should also be uploaded to the website tracking system on a real-time basis.
provide 4 SMS updates.
Hence we request you to kindly provide the SMS charges under the VAS section.
Kindly note that four SMS has been included as mandatory in the Service Fee itself as per ‘ Scope of the Work and deliverables’ -Para IX.12.a.xiii of the RFP. The bidder has to factor in this while bidding competitively.
Courier service (next day) should be changed to (next business day).
The Courier service (next day) service offering will not be able to function during any holiday or weekend.
There is no objection.
Biometric enrolment
What would be the likely date of implementation of biometric data capture?
Biometric enrolment is right from the beginning.
In the case of Countries where the Ministry decides there will be two Service Providers operating simultaneously, both L1 and L2 will be asked to operate at the L1 price.
The Authority will be well aware of the huge investment the winning service provider will devote.
Hence we request the Ministry/Embassy; the L1 service provider should be given first preference for operating any additional VACs, before appointing L2 service provider for operating the VACs simultaneously.
The two Service Provider Model is only for Mission/Posts having a total of 175,000 CPV applications per annum. Mission is not covered under this category. This has already been indicated by Mission by a corrigendum floated on the websites on January 22, 2016. As such the query is irrelevant.
ISO 23026 for Website Quality Mgmt defines system engineering and standards to ensure features such as secure information transfer, transactions, payment gateway etc. are functional as per the standard guidelines. If these guidelines are for the new website, service provider will only be able to submit the certificate until the new website is operational i.e. post award of contract.
The present corporate website of the bidding companies are only informative and do not have secure information to deal with; hence ISO certificate is not required.
Even for our other operational website we do not have this standard mandatory. Hence we request the Mission to allow the service provider to submit this certificate post award of contract. Kindly advice?
The matter has been referred to the Ministry for clarification
Digitisation & Indexation of Documents
The Service provider is responsible for Digitisation/Indexation of Consular,
Passport and Visa application forms along with enclosures, as per the
parameters prescribed in Annexure A.
We understand that new service provider will be digitising records from the day it starts is operations and will not be responsible to complete digitisation of past records.
The new Service Provider is responsible as per the new Contract only.
What is the Mission’s definition of unviable Service
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fee? How will the Mission come to the conclusion of the fees being unviable? What is the formula used for the unviable fee conclusion?
This is indicated in Annexure C. Any proposal where the cost of outsourcing operations including tax and profit is more than the revenue anticipate on the basis of the number of CPV applications indicated in the RFP is commercially unviable.
Will the Mission consider the RFP response and relevant Annexure including the Financial Bid to be signed by a senior person authorized by the Board of Directors of the company?
As the CEO/Directors are not usually available at one place hence getting the entire response document signed by one of them will be a difficult task considering the stringent timelines of the RFP.
Hence we request Mission to kindly consider the request.
No. This must be complied with as per the provisions of RFP.
We have experienced applicants contacting the new service provider for applications submitted at the previous service provider. In this event, the current service provider should be asked to continue their telephone and email helpdesk for at least two weeks after the last date of their contract. Kindly advise.
There is no objection to this suggestion. The matter will be discussed with the outgoing service provider.
In addition, the data of residual applications of the previous service provider may be uploaded on the websites of the Mission/Post under a separate category.
Kindly note that the website of the outgoing service provider should not be operated after the expiry of the Contract.
The service provider should be allowed to accept postal applications for central processing VAC. This will also save applicant’s time as they will be able to send the application directly to the main processing centre. Also the processed applications will be directly couriered (if opted by the applicant) to their home address.
Applications are being accepted by courier.
Service provider should be allowed to return the applications that do not have all the mandatory documents in the postal package received after deducting the service provider fee and the return courier charges.
This must be done in accordance with the provisions of RFP, Para IX.12.a.xii.
(it is presumed that all the applications received by courier/post have appropriate stickers for returning the documents.)
This certification can only be provided after the operations have begun and taxes are filed at the end of the 1st financial year. Please confirm if our understanding is correct.
“per day” should be replaced with “per business day” in the relevant clauses under this section.
XII-C- Minimum Graduate Qualification
Please specify the equivalent qualification level of South Africa.
j- CCTV System with recording
Please specify for how long the recordings should be stored.
The certification is the Service Providers commitment to comply with local labour laws and relevant tax regime. Hence the certification is to be provided as per RFP.
The penalty period includes holidays also and not to be exempted.
30 days
What might be reasonable for one service provider might not be reasonable for another. Please specify a range which Embassy feels is reasonable.
This will be decided by the Mission. Mission has the right to reject any unsustainable proposal in the Financial Bid.
Appointments should be made mandatory to ensure quality of service to the applicants. At the same time, the capacity for “Walk-in” applicants should be restricted to a mutually agreeable figure with the embassy.
The provisions of RFP must be complied with. Walk in applicants must be serviced with a turnaround period not exceeding the time given in Annexure E by having enough counters and staff.
Since the courier company will charge a fee for return of incomplete documents, such charges should be deducted from the refund as per the VAS schedule
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along with the service provider service fee.
This should be dealt with as per provisions of RFP, para IX.12.a.xii. This has already ben explained under Postal applications above.
Please define the “stated” limit.
Template RFP provides a maximum of one month of retention of applications by the Service provider for digitisation purposes.
“per day” should be replaced with “per business day”
For penalty calculation, holidays are included.
“per day” should be replaced with “per business day” in the relevant clauses under this section.
As above.
Please specify the equivalent qualification level of South Africa .
Please specify for how long the recordings should be stored.
30 days
Is ISO 23026-2015(or equivalent) for website quality certification is mandatory during bid submission or it can be acquired during the implementation process?
Q. What will be impact on visa volume with introduction of e-visa?
Q, Is there any provision for SMS service under VAS which can be charged to applicant?
Certification should be submitted as provided under RFP.
Any fall in volume with reference to Service Fee has been explained under- Determination of Service Fee- Para VIII.11. d
Four SMS have been included in the Service Fee itself as mandatory in terms of Para IX.12.a.xiii. Hence SMS has not been included under VAS.
Please be kind to clarify whether the Application center has to be opened in 3 places (Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town ) or 4 places (Pretoria, Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town )
Application centers have to be opened at only three places at Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town.
Para VIII 11 j (iii), Kindly elaborate procedure for turn around time of 60 minutes.
This is from the time of entry into IVAC when the token is generated till the submission of application including biometric procedures.
Para XI 12 a (10), kindly clarify about the special arrangement to deal with emergency calls outside office hours and on holidays.
The Service Provider should have a dedicated telephone and staff to handle emergency cases in coordination with the Mission/Post.
As regards clause XIV -penalties, there are certain superfluous clauses which need to be rationalized as the same are difficult to be strictly implemented and monitored.
The penalty clauses are clear and there is no ambiguity.
Para XVII 22 (i) d When will the details of evaluation of technical bid be intimated to participated companies? Will it be at the time of opening of financial bid or prior to opening of financial bid?
Details of the evaluation of Technical Bid will be intimated before the opening of Financial Bids. This has been explained under –Opening of Bids-para XVIII.23.ii.b of the RFP.
whether viability of services fee will be examined prior to opening of financial bid. If so will it not compromise the confidentiality of service fee quoted in the financial bid?
The details under reference are in the Financial Bid only and hence there is no question of compromise of confidentiality. This has been explained under, Financial Bids- Para XVIII. 23. Ii.c and d.
Annexure-‘C’ at page 43 of the RFP stipulates “Mission has the right to disqualify the bidders in the financial bid stage if the costing details are not commercially viable and found to be unsustainable, treating the bid as unresponsive.”
I. There is no definition provided in the RFP of words “commercially viable”. Besides there is no parameter or criteria w.r.t. the same. While for the bidder a financial bid can be commercial viable, it may not be so for the Mission. Thus the said decision is highly subjective and needs clarification and necessary amendment providing the complete parameters and criteria as to when a particular financial bid can be termed as commercially viable and commercially not viable.
II. Besides there is no definition of the word unsustainable i.e. it needs to be clarified as to when the costing details can be termed as unsustainable. The said parameters must be provided in the RFP so as to enable the bidders to be vigilant in providing their costing details so that the same can be termed as commercially viable and sustainable.
Any proposal where the cost of outsourcing operations including tax and profit is more than the anticipated revenue based on Service Fee and the number of applications indicated in the RFP will be considered as commercially unviable. Mission has the right to reject such a bid. This has been explained under Annexure C. Under Part III.
Any expenditure under rentals, salaries etc indicated in Annexure C is reasonably verifiable. Any expenditure which is way off the normal rates will be considered unviable. This will be determined by the Mission based on local conditions and Mission has the right to reject any costing details which are unreasonable.
Annexure D Serial No. II (4) whether company is required to submit insurance cover in the form of certificate from the insurance company or copy of Insurance policy.
Copy of the policy should be submitted along with original for verification.
Annexure ‘E’ of the RFP provides criteria for evaluation of technical bids. The remarks column in all the criteria from 1 to 9 provides that “Marks to be awarded as per Mission’s Judgment.” It is nowhere either explained or clarified as to what would be the basis and /or parameter for the Mission to pass a judgment on the concerned criteria. Besides, the said judgment by the Mission will be highly subjective. This criteria of evaluation is not transparent evaluation criteria as per normal guidance of Government of India, should be transparent and predefined and not to be arbitrary.
The procedure is explained under Annexure E. The best ranked in the respective item amongst the bids will be given full marks and the others will be proportionately reduced. The ranking of the bidding Company will come into consideration only when there is a tie in the Financial bid stage.
Criteria No. 9 provides that marks will be awarded as per Mission’s judgment on the basis of number of memorandums /show cause notices etc. It further provides that the first time bidder is to be given a neutral evaluation for purpose of ranking i.e. 5 marks, the said criteria favor inexperience bidder while the service providers who has experience and who has already provided services and successfully completed the contract will be given a symbolic mark more than zero. These criteria in itself appears to be discriminatory. While the first timers have been given exemplary good mark i.e. 5 marks, the experienced ones are given less marks then the first timers.
This is neutral marking to avoid any undue advantage or disadvantage to the first time participants. The first timers are given five marks out of ten. The companies having no complaints are given more than five marks compared to companies having complaints who will be given less than five marks, proportionately. This have been explained in Annexure E.
Besides, it is stated in the said remark that the marks will be reduced depending upon the number of show cause notices etc. It is requested to appreciate that the issuance of show cause notice to any service provider in no way can be termed as cognizable or any stigma attached to the said service provider. Mere issuing show cause notice cannot be taken as negative point as it is unfair and discriminatory. Thus the said method of marking in criteria 9 needs to be rectified and explained as the same is highly discriminatory. Criteria No. 10 As verdict is vague and unclear it doesn’t specify who is not Government of India client and how would quality being ascertained has not been mentioned. Further this criteria also favoured non-Indian Companies who may have more experience with non-Government of India clients.
The entire item is to be seen in totality which has been explained in Annexure E, item 9.
There are many examples of Indian companies taking part in foreign tenders and vice versa. The criteria is designed to assess broader acceptability amongst clients other than the GOI.
The RPF released date was 18th Jan 2016 and published on the portal – on 20th Jan 16. The closure date of bid submission is mentioned as 4th Feb 2016. The timeline is very short unlike the other RFPs released recently by Indian Embassies for USA, China, Singapore, Netherlands, Spain and Malaysia. At least one month time line is provided in the above cases. Is there any provision of revision of the dates as mentioned in this RFP?
The closing date of the bid has been extended to 1200 hours on 18/02/2016
What is the year wise application count for last 3 years?
Year-wise count for Passport, Visa & Consular Services is mentioned in Annexure A
What is the break-up of applications, service type – Passport, Visa and Consular Service
Break-up is provided in Annexure A
What is the break-up of the applications, location wise – Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg?
Break-up is provided in the Annexure A
What is the percentage of postal applications?
Applications were/are being received through agents and courier and the percentage applications received from them is around 40%.
What are the volume of email per day?
Volume of e-mail is approx. 50 emails per day. During peak this increases to approx 100 per day, as per the details provided by the current service provider
What will be impact on visa volume with introduction of e-visa?
Any fall in volume with reference to Service Fee has been explained under- Determination of Service Fee- Para VIII.11. d
What are the volume of incoming calls per day?
Volume of incoming calls ranged from 120-150 per day. During peak season it goes up to 200, as per details provided by the current service provider
Is there any provision for SMS service under VAS which can be charged to applicant?
No. Please see XI, 14
Please confirm the date, time and venue for pre-bid conference?
Pre-bid conference will be held on 3th February 2016 at 10:3 1030 hrs at Consulate General of India, No.1 Eton Road, Park Town 2193 (Corner Jan Smuts Avenue & Eton Road), Johannesburg 2000, Telephone:+27 11 581 9801 - 9998
Please be kind to clarify whether the Application center has to be opened in 3 places (Johannesburg,Durban, Cape Town ) or 4 places (Pretoria, Johannesburg,Durban, Cape Town )
Application centers have to be opened at only three places at Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town.
Para VIII 11 j (iii), Kindly elaborate procedure for turnaround time of 60 minutes.
In accordance to RFP.
When will be incumbent service provider end accepting applications?
29/30th June, 2016
When will the contact center of the incumbent service provider discontinue its operations?
30th June, 2016
Are travel agents allowed to submit applications, if yes what is the % across locations and services?
Yes. This has been explained under Para IX.12.a. viii of the RFP.
For Passport 95% applications are walk-in and 5 % are courier. 60 % Visa applications are walk-in and 40% are 3rd party, as per details provided by the current service provider
The RFP mentions that the service provider is required to capture biometrics from applicants. What is the expected timeline for the introduction of biometrics?
Biometrics is to be done right from the beginning.
As the mission has set the VAS price ceiling, can these be changed in case there is a change in market prices, tax and other such parameters which are not driven by the Service Provider?
There is no provision to revise the VAS charges, as they are based on bids.
It is our understanding that the High commission of India will apply penalties on the new service provider for only those applications made on/after the services start and not for cases transitioned from the incumbent service provider. Please confirm.
The Insurance is required to survive the validity of contract; Please provide clarity regarding the types of insurance policies that need to survive the validity of the contract.
These are well known concepts which have been introduced in the earlier RFP also.
Kindly confirm if the actual bank agency charges levied on the financial transaction for the collection of fees and service charges can be collected from the applicants on the actual basis in addition to the service charge at all VAC locations.
Collection of bank agency charges have been explained under para IX.12.b.iii
Is the Service Provider required to scan, digitize and index the images on the same day of acceptance of the application?
Template RFP provides a maximum of one month of retention of applications by the Service provider for digitisation purposes.
What is the duration for retaining a postal application (after attempts of contacting the applicant) that has been received in an incomplete state?
This has been explained under Para IX.12.a. xii. The suggested retention period is 2 weeks.
Please confirm that the digitization process for the new service provider will start only with the new applications accepted after award of the contract and that there will be no backlog to cover.
Please provide data on number of cases or percentage of applications received as family cases at each of the 4 cities.
Such type of data is not maintained by the Mission.
In Section Scope of work and deliverables required, the RFP mentions that the staff in the IVAC must be fluent in English, Hindi and local language (and also the language of the local Indian community where applicable). Is there a requirement of a minimum number of staff that speak these languages at each VAC or are all staff required to be fluent in English, Hindi and the local language where applicable?
Mainly English, at least one person with knowledge of Hindi
In Section Scope of work and deliverables required, the RFP mentions that the Service Provider is required to provide an interactive blog. What is the expected response time?
It must be immediate and in any case within the same day.
Please advise in what format is should we provide the bid security of USD 50,000, please confirm if the same can be provided as a bank cheque in the favour of the ‘High Commission of India Pretoria’ and can the same be in equivalent ZAR as per the ROE 2 days before the Submission ?
The Bid security deposit should be submitted along with the tender documents as explained under Submission Requirements-Para XVII.21. The Bid Security will be in the form of Demand Draft.
In Annexure B- Provisioning Implementation of Biometric Enrollment at Indian Missions, the RFP mentions that the Government of India may provide the facial capturing software for the purpose. We request the Embassy of India to provide clarity on this aspect as this will impact pricing.
This has been explained under Annexure-B to the RFP.
Can the Mission clarify the estimated time lines for implementation of 'Consprom' system in South Africa?
This is being introduced in a phased manner and will be completed soon in all the Missions/Posts where the CPV services have been outsourced. The Service Provider will be informed accordingly.
Can the Mission provide more information on the PSP platform for passport services? Is there any impact expected on the data transfer to be done to the Mission post moving to this platform?
This is under process and the stake holders will be informed well in advance.
Will the format of the data transfer to be done to the Missions be identical across South Africa?
Yes. (But , why this question. The company may clarify)
What will be the approximate number of pages to be digitized per application?
It varies upon the service/application.
Once biometrics is introduced for passport applications, all applicants will be required to visit the centre in person and no applications will be acceptable by post. Please confirm.
The introduction of biometrics for Indian passports abroad is in the initial stages.
In Section VIII 11. a. ix. Scope of work and deliverables required, the RFP states that the Service Provider should provide an efficient and courteous telephonic enquiry system through Toll free numbers/ Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP). The Service Provider can charge normal call charges after three minutes. Whereas, the award criteria mentions Call Centres Call waiting times – not more than 8 minutes response period Efficient VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) or Toll free calls should be used. (First three minutes (at the minimum) should be toll free) after which only normal charges should apply. Special higher call charges for Call Centres prohibited.”
There are various telecom service providers in South Africa and it would not be possible to influence the billing of all telecom providers, either number can be toll free or chargeable at local call rate per minute. Please clarify.
Only Toll Free service may be followed.
In Section VIII 11. a. ix. Scope of work and deliverables required, the RFP states that No caller should be made to wait for more than eight minutes. Whereas the commercial submission table mentions expenditure on establishing a Call Centre: Only normal call charges should apply and waiting period should not exceed five minutes.
Only Toll Free service may be followed.
What is the final Call Wait Time target – 5 or 8 minutes?
No caller should be made to wait more than 8 minutes.
Is there a requirement for the call center staff to be Pre-Cleared by the Consulate as well?
No. It is presumed the staff do not work in the IVAC.
Will the Service Provider be required to offer all the VAS listed in the RFP?
Can the Service provider offer Premium lounge as a VAS service?
The RFP mentions that a CEO or a person of equivalent rank should sign the bid documents. We request you to kindly allow any person of the company holding an authorisation from Board of Directors of the company be the signatory for all bid documents.
Only CEO or a person of equivalent rank should sign as provided for in the RFP.
ISO 23026:2015 standard for management of websites has been published ISO organisation in May 2015. We kindly request the Embassy to modify this clause so that compliance to this standard be undertaken by service provider after the award of contract or at least within 6 months of go live of operations.
All the certificates should be submitted as provided for in the RFP.